St. Mary the Virgin Little Burstead
Alpha Course
The Alpha Course is an 11 week introduction to the Christian faith. If you are interested in coming, or would just like to find out more about it, please contact Rupert Hankey at the phone number or e-mail address shown below. The subjects covered on the course are:...
Is there more to life than this?
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus die?
How can we have faith?
Why and how do I pray?
Why and how should I read the Bible?
How does God guide us?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What does the Holy Spirit do?
How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
How can I resist evil?
Why and how should I tell others?
Does God heal today?
What about the church?
How can I make the most of the rest of my life?
The way the course is structured is:-
There are three parts to each evening:
We start by sharing a simple meal together. The course is an opportunity for making friends as well as learning.
We then cover the topic for that evening. This may be a live speaker or a talk given on DVD, or a magazine-style presentation on DVD filmed in different locations and including interviews with a variety of people.
The evening concludes with ample opportunity for questions and discussion. You can Ask Anything on Alpha!
Part way through the course (often between weeks 6 and 7, though this may vary according to when people are available) there is a day away on the Holy Spirit (often singled out by those who have done the course as the best bit!)
If you have questions about Christianity, or have wondered what being a Christian really means, then the Alpha Course is for you. Please contact the Team Vicar, Revd Rupert Hankey, on 01277 631434 or to book your place.