St. Mary the Virgin Little Burstead

The Congregation From Above

What we do


As a church community we gather for worship every Sunday at 10.30 am.  At our weekly worship service we aim to:-

Worship God through song.

Grow in our faith through the reading and preaching of the Bible and through encouraging one another with how God has been at work in our lives.

Please note: on certain occasions in the year our Communion service on the first Sunday in the month may be replaced with a service of Morning Prayer held in the Old School in the village. This is in order to be more accessible to village residents. Notice of these services will be given on this website and distributed by leaflet in the village.

Also, there is no service at either venue on a 5th Sunday in the month, when a service is held at either Emmanuel or Christ Church for the whole Billericay & Little Burstead Team.

Pray together.

Spend time with one another as we grow in the relationships and friendships that make up the church.

In midweek:-

We hold a monthly coffee morning in the Old School Hall in the village.  This is on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 10.00 am.

We meet every Thursday evening on Zoom to pray together for God`s purposes to be fulfilled. If you would like to join the meeting, please e-mail our Vicar, Rupert Hankey, who will send you a link.