An applicant applied for the post of the Team Rector after the closing date of the second round of advertising and was interviewed at Emmanuel on August 6th. It was a positive day but there is nothing further to add at the moment.
Meanwhile, please continue to pray for the person God will bring in His time to lead the Team and for all of us to be patient and willing to embrace the change God is bringing about here.
Please also continue to pray for the clergy across the Team – Margaret Fowler, Rupert Hankey and Christine Williams and the lay leaders at each church, especially at Emmanuel, as they all take on more responsibility.
A farewell service for Archdeacon Elwin Cockett will take place at Chelmsford Cathedral at 3.30pm on Sunday 22 September.
The service will be an opportunity for people across Chelmsford Diocese to give thanks for Elwin’s ministry with us and to say farewell.
If you would like to make a contribution to Elwin’s leaving collection, please make a payment by bank transfer using the following details:
Chelmsford Diocese Board of Finance
Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-20-35
Account Number: 60269603
Reference: AD Elwin Gift
TEDDY BEARS is a group for pre-school children over the age of 18 months, runs on a Thursday morning in term-time, in the Emmanuel foyer from 9.30 -11.30 and has some spaces from Sept. Parents/carers are free to leave their child or stay with them, helpers are DBS checked. They meet again on 12 Sept. For further details please contact Merrill Knight ( 656183).
The next Indoor Market is on Saturday 21st Sept 10-4pm, lunches served 11.30am – 2pm.
Saturday, 21 September 2 – 5 p.m. Christ Church has offered to host a Cream tea fundraising event on behalf of St Mary the Virgin. All are welcome. Tickets will be £5 per person and we would also welcome any donations of cakes and scones please. Tickets and further information will be available soon.
This year we are inviting people to make up their own shoeboxes and bring them to the service on Sunday 17 November, where they will be blessed before being sent off.
As there are donations left over from last year, these will be put out for people to add to their own shoeboxes, together with any items which people already have and would like to donate.
The speaker at the Team Service at Christ Church on September 29th will be Claudia from Operation Christmas Child.
6 Sept Next Babies & Toddlers – 10-11.30am for parents/carers and babies/toddlers. Contact Juliet Shipton for further information.
7 Sept Who Let The Dads Out 9-10.30am Emmanuel for all Dads, Grandads and Male Carers with pre-school Toddlers. Contact Tony Wallace for further information.
8 Sept ‘The Acts of the Risen Christ’ Digging Deeper, in-depth Bible Study, led by Stephen Greenfield in the Pilgrim Rooms at 12.30 – 2.00pm. Bring a Bible and a packed lunch and dig into both.
9 Sept Emmanuel DCC meeting, 7.30pm in Emmanuel Foyer
12 Sept Teddy Bears – 9.30-11.30am for pre-school children over 18 months
15 Sept 10am Messy Church – ‘Feeding 5000 people’ and Happy Birthday
16 Sept BLBTM PCC meeting 7.30pm at Emmanuel
18 Sept Emmanuel Leadership Team meeting, 1.30pm in Emmanuel Foyer
21 Sept Indoor Market at SMM, 10am – 4pm, lunches served 11.30am – 2pm.
21 Sept 2-5pm cream tea at Christ Church on behalf of St Mary the Virgin. £5 with Denyse Donnell singer.
22 Sept Elwin Cockett’s farewell service at Chelmsford Cathedral 3.30pm
25 Sept Mother’s Union – Metamorphosis with VP Merrill Knight
Please contact Merrill Knight ( 656183) or Pauline Randall (07939102945) for further details.
29 Sept Team Service 10am at Christ Church, speaker from Operation Christmas Child
29 Sept Civic Service 3pm at Emmanuel
‘ANNA’S PLACE’ Tuesdays 10.30 a.m. – 2 p.m. A warm welcome and activities every week in Christ Church Church Hall for older people. Refreshments and lunch included. Just come along. Free.
ZOOM PRAYERS every Wednesday 6pm.
TEDDY BEARS – Thursdays 9.30-11.30am for pre-school children over the age of 18 months. Contact Merrill Knight (656183) for further details.
BABIES & TODDLERS – Fridays 10-11.30am, for parents/carers and babies/toddlers. Contact Juliet Shipton for further information.
DO YOU HAVE ANY NEWS ITEMS? If you do, please email Richard and send him your copy and any pictures or posters associated with it. PRAYER REQUESTS
Please remember in your prayers those members of our church family who are in need of our love and support at this time, whether we know them to be unwell or struggling in different ways. Please also remember those who continue to weigh heavy on your hearts. Pray for all members of our church family and anyone we know who are isolating or struggling with ill health and in need of prayer at this time.
Especially remember: Sue Cockett; Paul Harrison; Jean Cuthbert; Brad Martin; Alan Campbell; Alan Woolnough; Paul Morris; Sue Stevens; Julie Harper; Esther Davies; Joan Steward; Justin (Juliet’s brothers); Elwin Cockett; Sonja Chamberlain; Nicola (Bob & Jill’s daughter); David Kitchener; Vince Fabbri; Peggy and Derek Randall (Donna’s parents); Sue & Jim Shrubb; Claire Iveson; Sheila Whitworth; Fred Towler (Vicki Davies’ dad); Sheila Bailey; Brenda Lunn; David & Maureen Bird; Jan Wood; Rosemarie Biron; George Wetjen; Carol Hayward; Roger Hayward; Simon Harrison; Kim Steele. Dr Chris Williams asks if we can remember the many elderly and confused patients of his in these challenging times.
Please continue to pray for all those we know who have been recently bereaved, especially for the family of: Simon Coe; Terry Golds (Sue Oakley’s brother); Veronica Brooks (St John’s); Ken Smith (Hazel and David); Adelheid Johnson; Ernie Sprunt; Maria Hankey; Julian (Juliet Shipton’s brother); David Fordham; Esther Dean; Jean Bennett; Alan George Conquest MBE; Robert Wiggins; David Mander (Maureen); Faith Dowthwaite (William & Janet); Ron Bollman; Ann Newton (Western Road and neighbour of John & Jacquie); Ken Flack (Mari, Sarah & Zoe); Ewen Pattison (Janet, Andrea and Adam); Dave Parker (Debs and Katie)
The Prayer List is constantly updated. If there is someone missing, or if you would like to add someone or someone can now be removed, please contact Sue Oakley email Sue Oakley